Permits and Forms
- 911 Farm and Civic Addressing
- Awards and Recognitions
- Breach to Council Code of Conduct
- Building Permits
- Commemorative Tree and Bench Requests
- Commissioner of Oath
- Community Grant Requests
- Dog Tags
- Delegation or Petition
- Fire Inspections
- Fire Permits
- Flag Raising Request
- Freedom of Information Requests
- Lottery Licences
- Marriage Licences
- Minor Variance Applications
- Official Plan Amendment Application
- Parking Tickets and Regulations
- Pool and Spa Permits
- Pre-Authorized Payments and e-Billing
- Presentation Request
- Proclamation Request
- School Support Selection
- Severance Applications
- Sign Permits
- Subdivision Applications
- Road Work Approval Applications
- Zoning By-Law Amendment Application
Recreation and Culture
- Arenas and Skating
- Associations and Groups
- Bike Rentals
- Boat Launch
- Bowling Hall
- Dog Park
- Events Calendar
- Historical Plaque Program
- Carscadden Bridge
- Church Museum Building
- Eglise Saint-Jacques
- Embrun Train Station
- Great Russell Fire
- Loucks Cemetery
- New York Central Railroad
- North Russell Union Cemetery
- Old Forced Road
- Russell Shale Brick Company
- Russell Train Station
- Russell Weir
- Sainte-Thérèse d’Avila Church
- St Andrews and St Pauls United Church Cemetery
- St-Jacques Bridge
- Voie de la Liberté Monument
- Learn to Connect
- Libraries
- Maps
- Parklets
- Parks and Trails
- Photography Club
- Program Guide and Registration
- Public Pool and Swimming Lessons
- Recreation Complex
- Rent a Facility
- Shop Local
- Splash Pad
- Sports Dome and Membership
- Snowshoe Rentals
Build and Invest
- 417 Industrial Park
- Available Land and Buildings
- Bids and Tenders
- Building Permits
- Building and Construction
- Business Directory
- Business Grants
- Business Success Stories
- A&W Embrun
- ALOMA Home Staging and Design
- Blanchard Letendre Engineering
- Boutique Joma
- Deidre van Leyen, Broker
- Du Jour
- Eastrock Equipment Inc.
- Embrun Massage Therapy
- Exit Realty Matrix
- Gourmet Academy
- Kyan Cuisine
- Level Steel Inc.
- Lexine Photographie and LexiBooth
- Michel Dignard and Jeannette Mongeon Farm
- Moonshine BBQ Smokehouse
- New You Body Sculpting
- Olive & Oak Decor
- Peak Property
- Photo Mania
- Portes Express Doors and Trim
- Replay Sports
- Reps with Alison
- Russell Health Collective
- Studio Shanthaly
- Business Training and Workshops
- Community Profile
- COVID-19 Economic Support and Recovery
- Current Township Projects
- Healthcare Initiatives
- Local Development Applications
- Official Plan
- Planning and Development
- Sign Permits
- Sponsorship and Advertising
- Start or Grow Your Business
- Zoning By-Law
Your Township
- Accessibility
- Awards and Recognitions
- Budget and Finances
- By-Laws and Policies
- Calendar
- Citizen Satisfaction Survey
- Committees
- Commissioner of Oath
- Community Grant Requests
- Contact Us
- Council
- Current Township Projects
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Elections
- Get Involved
- Integrity Commissioner
- Job Postings
- Land Acknowledgement
- Maps
- News and Public Notices
- Parking Tickets and Regulations
- Report an Issue
- Reports and Strategic Plans