Get a Document Signed

Contact the Clerk's Office to schedule an appointment.

Request an Appointment


You must have one piece of government-issued identification at your meeting with the Clerk's Department. The identification must include your photo. Acceptable identification includes:

  • Valid Passport
  • Valid Driver's Licence
  • Valid Ontario Photo Card

The request must be made by the same individual taking the oath and signing the document.

If your identification is in a language other than English or French, an official translation of the document may be required.

Types of Documents

We can sign document that requires the signature of:

  • a commissioner for taking affidavits
  • commissioner of Oath
  • declarations and affirmations

We cannot sign documents that requires the signature of:

  • a notary public only; and
  • we do not certify true copies of documents.

A Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits has the right to refuse to swear any document presented to them.


Our fees are: 

  • Swearing-In of Municipal Documents ⁠— No fee
  • Any Document Accepted by the Commissioner ⁠— $25.00 per document for residents or $35.00 per document for non-residents
  • Photocopies — $0.75 per page

Payment can only be paid by cash or debit on the day of your appointment.

Additional Information

Please note:

  • The person or persons signing the affidavit must appear in person and will be required to present government photo and signature identification, such as a driver's license or passport.
  • You must submit an affidavit/declaration. Township staff will not create or amend the affidavit/declaration on your behalf. If you have any questions or require assistance in completing your document, please contact the person/agency that requests you to complete the form.
  • The Commissioner of Oaths cannot advise or assist an applicant in completing the affidavit/declaration document.
  • All information, except for signatures, must be completed before the document is sworn. In addition, any additional documents referred to must be attached. No changes can be made after the document has been sworn.
  • The person signing the affidavit/declaration must have read and understood the contents of the document. You will be asked to swear or affirm that the information is correct before signing the document and you must sign the document before the Commissioner.
  • The Commissioner will only swear an affidavit or declaration for documents that are located in the Province of Ontario. If the affidavit/declaration is for another province or country, you must contact a notary public, who generally must be a lawyer. Township staff cannot sign as a notary public.