Bold Leadership
We will be known as a bold leader among our peers.
- Develop a growth plan for the 417 Industrial Park, to include a sustainable Financial plan and available investment-ready land.
- Implement a climate change action plan by Dec 2024 (Net zero).
- Complete the design and construction of the Recreation Complex by December 2026.
- The increasing professionalization of the Township of Russell Fire Service will culminate with adherence to Ontario qualifications and certifications by December 2025.
- Develop and implement an organic waste program by December 2024.
- Address speeding issues in the Township by assessing specific geographic areas of concern and implementing a speed photo radar program.
Innovation and Collaboration
We will prioritize innovation and collaboration in service delivery models and processes.
- By December 2024, develop a performance measurement system which supports strategic and operational decision making and resource allocation, based on data analytics as well as other factors.
- By September 2023, develop a deliberate inter-departmental collaboration program to enhance seamless planning and execution of Township programs, projects and initiatives.
- By December 2023, review by-laws older than five years from all departments & prepare Omnibus By-law.
- By December 2026, review all by-laws/policies/procedures older than five years from Clerk Department or relating to Council.
- By December 2026, offer innovative and accessible methods for residents and businesses to consult and pay invoices from the Township of Russell.
- By December 2024, plan and implement a community communications program to ensure residents are engaged and aware of changes to delivery models and processes.
- Continue utilizing up to date technology to optimize our Financial operations.
- By April 2024 review and revise the Township records management system.
- By December 2026, update, develop and implement Standard Operating Guidelines as identified in the Township of Russell Fire Master Plan 2020-2024.
- By June 2024, develop a joint policy and procedure with the building department as it relates to the review of Fire Protection Equipment during the building permit stage.
- Develop a clear and consistent communication plan and tools to assist the planning application process.
- Implement innovative and interactive online tools to promote local businesses and attract new businesses.
- Optimize the online reservation system for Township recreation facilities by July 2024.
- By December 2023, fully automate the Reports for Approval Process & Workflow Automation System through Microsoft SharePoint Software for Council Agenda’s Packages.
- Transition virtually all Township Administration activities and processes to a paperless environment - ongoing effort.
Long-Term and Sustainable Planning
The future will be supported by long-term and sustainable fiscal and administrative planning.
- By December 2025, create a capacity to invest in the development of new infrastructure with the purpose of creating available, serviced commercial and industrial lands to be developed.
- By July 2025, complete a long-term plan for 100% sustainability of our existing assets and infrastructure.
- Complete a review and revision of the Parks & Recreation Master Plan by December 31, 2023.
- Create resources and tools that enable workforce empowerment.
- Make investment-ready land available in the 417 Industrial park that focuses on Job creation.
- Review Township master plans to reflect new urban boundaries and supporting service requirements by December 2024.
- Throughout the Strategic Plan period, deliver on major capital projects and initiatives while maintaining responsible levels of Municipal Debt and Reserves.
- Throughout the Strategic Plan period, ensure proper Financial planning is present to respond to capacity needs coming from growth.
- By December 2023, 90% of projects and new initiatives substantively involve at least two Township departments in the planning and execution of the initiative.
- Maximize the availability of grants from the provincial, federal or other agency sources.
- By December 2024, develop a Township of Russell Fire Prevention Policy based on the recommendations from the Township of Russell Fire Master Plan 2020-2024 and the Township of Russell Fire Community Risk Assessment, and then submit for approval by Council.
- By September 2023, update the Establishing & Regulating Bylaw for the Township of Russell Fire Service, and then submit for approval by Council.
- Draft new Park and recreation bylaw , replace with a new updated by law to address issues that are presently not in the existing outdated by law.
- Establish a user-fee program to support the Township storm water sewer system by December 2025.
- By December 2025, optimize our user-fee revenue while maintaining competitive rates for our programming.
- Complete a staff retention plan to support growth of Township daycare services.
Sustainable Development and Community Character
We will focus on sustainable development while promoting the character of our community.
- By the end of December 2023, complete a review of the official plan of the Township of Russell.
- Evaluate the option of servicing the 417 industrial park.
- Foster an environment to increase the commercial and industrial assessment base above the 2022 benchmark.
- Foster mutually beneficial relationships with community organizations.
- The Township commits to a program which enhances the protection and expansion of its existing tree coverage, while recognizing the need to consider this objective in the context of residential, and commercial development requirements.
- The development of our community will consider the promotion and support of active transportation within the Township.
- Foster programs to enhance volunteerism in our community.
- Increase beautification through community and business partnerships.
- Complete an evaluation regarding the demand for, and the feasibility of expanding the Township’s access to public transit.
- Make our municipal buildings ecofriendly and more energy efficient.
- Promote a working environment without paper in prioritizing digital documentation, signatures and smart forms.
- By July 2023, we will establish a specific communications campaign to promote active transportation, reduction of carbon emissions and recycling.
- The Township will commit to encouraging and supporting the enhancement of electric vehicle use by Administration and residents.
- East York Rehabilitation Renoir Area.
Empathy, Trust, and Equity for All
We will foster empathy, trust and equity in every initiative supporting residents, businesses and Township staff.
- Township leadership is reflective of current leadership philosophy and practices, emphasizing initiative, risk taking and delegated decision making.
- By December 2026, be recognized as a leading employer in the region and within industry in order to attract and retain a workforce reflective of the skills and diversity of the municipality.
- The Township will examine its initiatives and activities through a diversity, equity and inclusion lens.
- Complete constitution of all Township community committees by April 2023.
- Support our existing businesses and attract new investors.
- By December 2024, develop a talent and upskilling employee capabilities program.
- Coordinate with representative treaty holders regarding the stewardship of our treaty and unceded territory.
Safe, Healthy, and Accessible Development
Our community will develop in a safe, healthy and accessible manner.
- Encourage and support economic growth within the community.
- Rehabilitation of Township infrastructure to include implementation accessibility requirements and standards (all capital projects will have a specific accessibility appendix) by Oct 2023.
- Work towards a vision zero approach (traffic calming, pedestrian crossing) by Dec 2026.
- Develop a sustainable program to improve road conditions throughout the Township.
- Continue to expand daycare services to meet the expanding needs of our community.
- Work with mandated partners to attract additional medical services to our township.
- Work with mandated partners in the creation of an affordable housing strategy encompassing Russell Township.
- By July 2024, develop and implement an action plan for the implementation of the Township of Russell Fire Community Risk Assessment.
- Complete condition assessments for both arenas and other recreation buildings.
- Continue to develop access to park space for dogs.
- Improve safety and security in our parks.
- Secure Township infrastructure through various modern security practices.
- Support the security of our community through the implementation of a Police Services Board to meet the new community safety and policing act.
- Offer the New Frontiers Program to youth with disabilities.