Anyone can make a request for information — there are no restrictions based on age or where you live.

Make a Freedom of Information Request

Complete, sign and date the Access to Information Request Form and mail it or submit the form in person at Town Hall.

Freedom of Information Request Form

Instructions for Completing the Request Form

Informal Access to Records

Many records of public institutions are available to you without making a request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Contact the Freedom of Information and Privacy (FOIP) Coordinator at the institution that holds the records to determine whether you need to make a formal request.

Section A. Type of Request
Check the box that indicates what you are requesting. (Records that do not contain personal information are general records).
The FOIP Coordinator is required to verify your identity before giving you access to your own personal information.
If you are requesting another person's personal information records, you must provide proof that you have the authority to act for them (e.g., power of attorney, guardian or trusteeship order).
Section B. Requester's Information
Please ensure you have entered your name, address and telephone numbers accurately.
Section C. Description of Records or Correction Requested
Provide as much detail as possible about the requested general records, own personal information, other's personal information or correction of own personal information. Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more space and attach it to this form.
If you are requesting personal information records, provide the name that should appear on them.
Specify the time period for the records as precisely as possible, e.g., from 2008/07/21 to 2009/11/30.
If you are requesting a correction of your own personal information records, describe the correction you want and provide any supporting documents. If possible, provide copies of the information to be corrected and the information you wish to have it replaced with.
Check a box to indicate whether you want to examine original documents (which may only be done on site) or receive copies.


  • A $5.00 application fee is required with each request:
    • Make your cheque payable to the Township of Russell.
    • Cash payments must be made at the reception desk at Town Hall.
  • $7.50 per 15 minutes of research and file preparation.
  • $0.20 per page for regular size photocopies.
  • Other fees may apply depending on the nature of the application.

A fee estimate will be given to the applicant if the anticipated fee exceeds $25.00. If this fee exceeds $100.00 a deposit of 50% of the estimated fee may be required from the applicant.

Additional Information

Within 30 days, the Township will send a decision indicating what information and records are available and what can be released. If any additional fees are required (for search-time, for example), the fees will be outlined in the decision.

More Information about Freedom of Information Requests is available on the Province of Ontario‘s website.