The Township of Russell has advisory committees that give feedback to Council. Their recommendations help guide the future of our community. Attend a meeting to stay informed or get involved on what matters most to you..

Meeting Calendar
 Meeting Agendas Meeting Minutes


Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Township of Russell’s Accessibility Advisory Committee is dedicated to promoting equal opportunity and access for all persons, regardless of needs, to facilitate their participation as fully as possible in all aspects of community life.  

In collaboration with the administration of the Township of Russell, the Accessibility Advisory Committee produces the Accessibility Plan. Learn more about the Township's Accessibility Plan or consult the Government of Ontario's Accessibility webpage.

Committee Members:

  • Councillor Marc Lalonde  Chair
  • Patrice Dagenais  Co-Chair
  • Accessibility Coordinator  Staff Liaison
  • Louis Savoie  Secretary
  • Philip Benoit
  • Matthew Graveline
  • Sheri-Lynn Mayhew
  • Sonja Power
  • Victoria Sarunsky

Meeting Agendas  Meeting Minutes

Meetings are open to the public. View the Committee's meeting schedule on our Events Calendar.

See Events Calendar

To contact the Accessibility Advisory Committee, email our Clerk's Department.

Attainable and Affordable Housing Ad-Hoc Committee

Committee's term ended February 27, 2 2024.

The Township of Russell’s Attainable and Affordable Housing Ad-Hoc Committee (AAHC) reviews and analyses the attainable and affordable housing situation within the Township of Russell. With the help of available data and studies at the local, regional and provincial level and narrative input from residents and stakeholders. They determine any/all areas where ameliorations could be brought to the
availability and supply of affordable and attainable housing to low-income wage earners,
seniors and persons with physical and developmentally disabilities within the Township of Russell.

Committee Members:

  • Councillor Marc Lalonde — Chair
  • Councillor Lisa Deacon  Vice Chair
  • The Director of Planning, Building and Economic Development  Staff Liaison
  • Appointed by Staff Liaison   Secretary
  • Pam Adams
  • Sarah Eleanor Davis
  • Brittney Hughes
  • Dawn Elizabeth O’Donnell


Meeting Agendas and Minutes are published on our iCompass portal.

Meeting Agendas  Meeting Minutes

Meetings are open to the public. View the Committee's meeting schedule on our Public Meetings Calendar.

Meeting Schedule

To contact the Attainable and Affordable Housing Ad-Hoc Committee, email our Clerk's Department.

Community, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee

The Township of Russell’s Community Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee is dedicated to promoting and fostering the development of a modern and progressive community in which all residents and visitors are welcome and comfortable, as well as valued and respected. Additionally, the Committee shall promote and foster inclusion, equity, and acceptance through advisory and education strategies with the goal of supporting and empowering all citizens to fully participate and achieve full potential in our community. Finally, the Committee is dedicated to advising on issues of discrimination and exclusion based on age, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, culture, gender identity, gender expression, disability, race, creed, sexual orientation, record of offences, marital status, and family status within the Township’s legislative authority.

Committee Members:

  • Councillor Lisa Deacon  Chair
  • Candace Larose  Staff Liaison and Secretary
  • Fariha Abedin
  • Ash Babber
  • Olayou Carrière
  • Sarah Eleanor Davis
  • Glen Caswell
  • Kimberley Kargus
  • Richard Kargus
  • James McKeown Quainoo

Meeting Agendas and Minutes are published on our iCompass portal.

Meeting Agendas  Meeting Minutes

Meetings are open to the public. View the Committee's meeting schedule on our Public Meetings Calendar.

Meeting Schedule

To contact the Community, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, email our Clerk's Department.

Environmental and Sustainability Advisory Committee

The Township of Russell’s Environmental and Sustainability Advisory Committee is a forum for discussion on environmental matters within The Township of Russell.

Committee Members:

  • Mayor Mike Tarnowski  Chair
  • Executive Director of Infrastructure Services   Staff Liaison
  • Appointed by Staff Liaison   Secretary
  • Dave Dyer
  • Nickie Felts
  • Matthew Graveline
  • Carole Millett
  • Jeannette Mongeon
  • Shauna Wanamaker

Meeting Agendas and Minutes are published on our iCompass portal.

Meeting Agendas  Meeting Minutes

Meetings are open to the public. View the Committee's meeting schedule on our Public Meetings Calendar.

Meeting Schedule

To contact the Environmental Advisory Committee, email our Clerk's Department.

Joint Compliance Audit Committee

The Joint Compliance Audit Committee is established by the City of Clarence-Rockland, the Township of Champlain, the Township of East-Hawkesbury, the Town of Hawkesbury, the Nation Municipality, the Township of Russell, the Municipality of Casselman and the Township of Alfred-Plantagenet (collectively "the participating municipalities"), in accordance with the requirements of section 88.37 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 , S.O. c.32, as amended (the "Municipal Elections Act").

The powers and functions of the committee are set out in sections 88.33 to 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act. The powers and duties are generally described as:

  1. Within 30 days of receipt of an application or report from the Clerk requesting a compliance audit, the Committee shall consider the compliance audit application and decide whether it should be granted or rejected;
  2. The decision of the Committee to grant or reject the application, and brief written reasons for the decision, shall be given to the candidate, the clerk with whom the candidate filed his or her nomination, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant;
  3. If the application is granted, the Committee shall appoint an auditor to conduct a compliance audit of the candidate’s election campaign finances;
  4. The Committee will review the auditor’s report within 30 days of receipt and decide whether legal proceedings should be commenced;
  5. The decision of the committee to further to the receipt of the auditor’s report, and brief written reasons for the decision, shall be given to the candidate, the clerk with whom the candidate filed his or her nomination, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant.

Committee Members:

  • James Campbell
  • Laurie Clement
  • Claudine Girault
  • Pierre-Louis Thebault
  • Theresa Wever

The Clerk shall call a meeting of the Committee when he or she receives an application for a Compliance Audit.

To contact the Joint Compliance Audit Committee, email our Clerk's Department.

Parks, Recreation, and Culture Advisory Committee

The Township of Russell’s Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee is a forum for discussion on recreational, parks and cultural matters within The Township of Russell.

Committee Members:

  • Mayor Mike Tarnowski  Chair
  • Councillor Jamie Laurin  Vice Chair
  • Director of Parks and Recreation  Staff Liaison
  • Appointed by Staff Liaison   Secretary
  • Ken Dilworth
  • Andrew Hamilton
  • François Lalonde
  • Karen Mackarous
  • Richard Morin

Meeting Agendas and Minutes are published on our iCompass portal.

Meeting Agendas  Meeting Minutes

Meetings are open to the public. View the Committee's meeting schedule on our Public Meetings Calendar.

Meeting Schedule

To contact the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, email our Clerk's Department.

Planning Advisory Committee / Committee of Adjustment

The Township of Russell's Planning Advisory Committee shall provide advice and recommendations to the Council of the Township of Russell and the United Counties of Prescott and Russell in accordance to matters relating to planning issues.

Committee Members:

  • Councillor Jamie Laurin  Chair
  • Councillor Marc Lalonde  Vice-Chair
  • Director of Planning  Staff Liaison and Secretary
  • Jean-Guy Bisson

  • Melanie Gervais
  • Jessica Manley

Meeting Agendas and Minutes are published on our iCompass portal.

Meeting Agendas  Meeting Minutes

Meetings are open to the public. View the Committee's meeting schedule on our Meetings Calendar.

Meeting Schedule

To contact the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) or Committee of Adjustment, email our Clerk's Department.

Police Services Board

The Russell County OPP Detachment Board is composed of a Council Representative from each Municipality, 3 community representatives and 2 provincial representatives of Russell County.

For more information, consult the Russell County OPP Detachment Board page.

Committee Members:

  • Mario Zanth - Chair - Clarence-Rockland Mayor
  • Geneviève Lajoie - Co-chair - Casselman Mayor
  • Raymond Lalande - The Nation Councillor
  • Mike Tarnowski - Russell Township Mayor
  • Director of Public Safety and Enforcement - Staff Liason
  • Vacant - Community Appointee
  • Vacant - Community Appointee
  • Vacant - Community Appointee

Meeting Agendas and Minutes are published on our iCompass portal.

Meeting Agendas  Meeting Minutes

Meetings are open to the public. View the Committee's meeting schedule on our Meetings Calendar.

Meeting Schedule

Public Library Board

Learn more about the Public Library Board, Committee Members, and more on the Public Library website.

In Ontario, public libraries are created by municipal by-laws and governed by public library boards, as outlined in the Public Libraries Act. The seven trustees of the Township of Russell Public Library Board are appointed by Municipal Council after each municipal election and serve a four-year term.

Committee Members:

  • Laurie Anne Clement — Chair

  • Dominique Bertrand — Vice-Chair
  • Councillor Lisa Deacon
  • Mélanie Lacelle
  • Dawn O'Donnell
  • Mélanie Lalonde
  • Vacant

Meeting Agendas and Minutes are published on the Public Library website.

Meetings are open to the public. View the Committee's meeting schedule on our Public Meetings Calendar.

Meeting Schedule

To contact the Public Library Board, communicate your request to the Board's Secretary-Treasurer by phone at 613-445-5331 or by email at at least two weeks before the next scheduled meeting.

Seniors Advisory Committee

Appointed by the Council of the Township of Russell with mandate to endeavor to enrich and enhance the quality of life of seniors in the Township, identify barriers, form partnerships with the community, and act as a public forum for issues affecting seniors which the Township may be able to address.

Committee Members:

  • Councillor Marc Lalonde  Chair
  • Sébastien Dagenais  Staff Liaison and Secretary
  • Denise Bourdeau
  • Ken Dilworth
  • Kathy Dorval
  • Elisabetta King
  • Rick Martel
  • Elaine Nadeau

Meeting Agendas and Minutes are published on our iCompass portal.

Meeting Agendas  Meeting Minutes

To contact the Seniors Advisory Committee, email our Clerk's Department.

Teen Advisory Committee

Appointed by the Council of the Township of Russell with mandate to endeavour to enrich and enhance the quality of life of teens (14 to 18 years old) in the Township, identify barriers, form partnerships with the community, and act as a public forum for issues affecting teens.

Committee Members:

  • Councillor Lisa Deacon  Chair
  • Roxanne Garland  Staff Liaison and Secretary
  • Emma Desnoyers  student representative from École secondaire catholique Embrun
  • Norah Nzeyimana  student representative from École secondaire catholique Embrun
  • Lilah-Marie Copeland  student representative from Russell High School
  • Norah Kwok  student representative from Russell High School
  • Lilian Reid — student representative from St-Thomas Aquinas Catholic Highschool
  • Kai-Owen Van-Lane — student representative from St-Thomas Aquinas Catholic Highschool
  • Aiden Jalbert  at-large teen representative
  • Ann-Eva Kouakou-Aphely  at-large teen representative
  • Abigail Marie McNair  at-large teen representative

Meeting Agendas and Minutes are published on our iCompass portal.

Meeting Agendas  Meeting Minutes

To contact the Teen Advisory Committee, email our Clerk's Department.

Committee Application

Residents of the Township of Russell who wish to apply to sit on one of the various consultative committees may do so by completing the form below.

Committee Appointment Application Form

If you require accessibility or communication support for these documents, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator.


Registry of Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

2022 — Declaration 1
  • Meeting ID: 2022-010
  • Meeting Date: April 19, 2022
  • Council or Committee Name: Council
  • Meeting Type: Regular
  • Agenda Item Number When Declared: #6
  • Reference to Agenda Item Number: #11a (and By-law at #16)
  • Agenda Title or Description: Reports from Departments and Council Committees — Zoning By-law Amendment (Report PD-09-2022)
  • Name of Member: Councillor André Brisson
  • Deemed Direct or Indirect: Direct
  • General Nature of the Declaration (Reason): Own the land.

2022— Declaration 2

  • Meeting ID: 2022-018
  • Meeting Date: September 6, 2022
  • Council or Committee Name: Council
  • Meeting Type: Regular
  • Agenda Item Number When Declared: #6
  • Reference to Agenda Item Number: #11e
  • Agenda Title or Description: Community Grants and Contributions - Report PR-13-2022
  • Name of Member: Councillor Cindy Saucier
  • Deemed Direct or Indirect: Indirect
  • General Nature of the Declaration (Reason): Is one of the organizers of the event in question (Terry Fox Run), but it was another member of the team that applied for the grant.

2022— Declaration 3

  • Meeting ID: 2022-024
  • Meeting Date: November 7, 2022
  • Council or Committee Name: Council
  • Meeting Type: Regular
  • Agenda Item Number When Declared: #6
  • Reference to Agenda Item Number: #11f
  • Agenda Title or Description: Community Grants and Contributions - Report PR-15-2022 
  • Name of Member: Councillor Cindy Saucier
  • Deemed Direct or Indirect: Indirect
  • General Nature of the Declaration (Reason): Her husband is one of the organizers of the Food Bank Fundraiser event.