Mayor's Letter to Residents on COVID-19 (January 12, 2021)
January 12, 2021
Dear residents,
As you know, the Province has enacted stronger measures to help combat the Covid-19 virus. With a second state of emergency declaration, and a stay-at-home order put in place, we all need to do our part.
As Premiere Ford mentioned, approximately 30% of Ontario residents are not following the rules. While I have confidence in Russell Township residents, this could possibly represent 6000 people within our own Township that may be putting the rest of the community at risk.
While I am writing this letter, Russell Township has 52 active cases. Based on forecasts and examples from around the world, we see how fast this virus can spread and get out of control. We must all be vigilant and responsible for our own actions.
Over the duration of this pandemic, some people have looked for “loopholes” as to why the rules don’t apply to them, or any reason to put themselves ahead of their neighbours. To those individuals I say this: Russell Township has the honour of being a community that cares and now, more than ever, is the time to show it.
Our Public Safety and Enforcement officers (By-Law) are trying to protect the community we care so much for, day in and day out. They are being verbally attacked and degraded for enforcing provincial rules that have fallen into the Township’s responsibility of enforcing. Please, keep in mind, they are simply doing the job they are required to do. Attacking the Township, staff, and Council does not help the situation we are all dealing with.
I am asking all residents to take the new provincial stay-at home-order seriously and to follow provincial guidelines.
Thank you for your time and continue to stay safe.
Pierre Leroux