Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ section is only meant for quick and basic answers about election signs. It is not a substitute or equal to the actual written Sign By-law. For any questions, please contact the Public Safety and Enforcement Department.

Municipal election signs can be placed and displayed 30 days before voting day.

Election signs for the 2022 Municipal Elections can be placed starting September 24, since voting day is on October 24, 2022.

Refer to Section 7.1.1 (a) (i) of the Sign By-law.


An election sign cannot be placed on any property owned by or under the control of the Township, or any of its agencies, local boards, commissions, or corporations.

This means election signs are not allowed at Town Hall, parks, community centers, fire halls, arenas, or other municipal facilities.

However, election signs can be placed along a street since the definition of “public property” in the Sign by-law does not include a street.

Refer to Section 7.1.1 (a) (xi) of the Sign By-law.


Refer to Section 7.1.1 (a) (vi) of the Sign By-law.

At least 30 meters.

Refer to Section 7.1.1 (a) (xiii) (g) of the Sign By-law.

Yes. However, if a sign is placed on a street, it must follow each of these rules:

  • Cannot be within three (3) meters from the pavement of the road where there is no shoulder and 3 meters on a road if there is an existing shoulder.
  • Between roadway and sidewalk.
  • Cannot block pedestrians or vehicle traffic.
  • Cannot be in a median strip or roundabout.
  • Cannot be on a tree, or a fence, or a wall, or a gate or a utility pole located on public property or a street.
  • Cannot be on a roadway/shoulder that abuts a park.
  • Must be at least 30 meters from another election sign of the same candidate.
  • Cannot be on the shoulder of the street without the consent of the owner or occupant of the abutting private property.
  • Cannot be illuminated.

Refer to Section 7.1.1 (a) (xiii) of the Sign By-law.

Street means a highway, road allowance or a lane, and includes the surface, grassed area, boulevard, ditch, curb, gutter, sidewalk, and any other structure constructed thereon by the Township of Russell or with the Township of Russell’s approval.

10 days.

Since election day is on October 24, 2022, signs must be removed by midnight on November 3, 2022.

Refer to Section 7.1.1 (a)(ii) of the Sign By-law.

Contact our Public Safety and Enforcement Department.

Signs that pose any risk to the health and safety of pedestrians or motorists will be removed immediately.


Township Logo

Please note: The following is only an extract of the Sign By-Law, with respect to election signs.

Public property is defined as a real property owned by or under the control of the Township, including a Park, or any of its agencies, local boards, commissions or corporations but for the purposes of this By-law, does not include a street.

Roadway is defined as a street that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic and includes a shoulder.

6. Prohibited Signs

  • 6.1.1 The following signs are prohibited under this by-law:
    • a) Any sign which has flashing or sequential lighting, with the exception of an electronic message display as permitted under this by-law;
    • b) any animated sign;
    • c) any sign which has any mechanical or electronic device to provide, create or simulate motion, excepting electronic message displays as defined in section 8.3.3 and mechanical rotating signs that rotate not more than once every 30 seconds;
    • d) any sign which creates any noise;
    • e) any sign erected, located, or displayed within a visibility triangle;
    • f) any sign displayed on a vehicle, trailer or truck which is parked or located on property in a manner that is unrelated to its normal use as a vehicle and is more consistent with the use of the vehicle as a sign;
    • g) any sign which obstructs or is erected, located, or displayed in a parking space required by the zoning by-laws of the Township of Russell; or,
    • h) any roof sign;
  • 6.1.2 Where a sign is not expressly permitted by this by-law, it shall be deemed to be prohibited.

7. Signs Not Requiring a Permit 

  • 7.1.1 No permit shall be required for the following signs:
    • a) Temporary election signs pertaining to municipal, county, provincial or federal elections.
      • i) No person shall erect or display an election sign or a registered third-party sign prior to the date of issuance of the writ of election for a provincial or federal election, or until 30 days prior to the municipal election-voting day as defined in the Municipal Elections Act. (amended by by-laws 2017-009 and 2018-001)
      • ii) Election signs must be removed within ten (10) calendar days following the day of the election.
      • iii) (amended by by-law 2018-001 and repealed by 2018-119)
      • iv) No person shall erect, locate or display an election sign or registered third party sign on a private property unless having authorization from the owner of occupant of the property. (amended by by-law 2018-001)
      • v) No person shall erect, locate or display an election sign or registered third party sign on a private property in a manner as to interfere with the sage operation of vehicular traffic or with the safety of pedestrians. (amended by by-law 2018-001)
      • vi) No person shall erect, locate or display an election sign or registered third party sign on a property used as a polling station. (amended by by-law 2018-001)
      • vii) No election signs shall be erected on public properties relating to a by-election when a by-election is held between the fourth Tuesday of October and March 31 of any year.
      • viii) No election sign shall display a logo, trademark or official mark, in whole or in part, owned or licensed by the Township. (amended by by-law 2018-001)
      • ix) An election sign purchased by or under the direction of a candidate, shall display on the back of the sign, the name of the candidate and include a telephone number, mailing address or email address at which the candidate may be contacted regarding the sign. (amended by by-law 2018-001)
      • x) An election sign purchased by or under the direction of a registered third party, as defined in the Municipal Elections Act, shall predominantly display the name of the candidate, but shall display on the back of the sign, the name of the registered third party and include a telephone number, mailing address or email address at which the registered third party may be contacted regarding the sign. (amended by by-law 2018-001)
      • xi) No person shall place or permit to be placed an election sign or registered third party sign on any public property. (amended by by-law 2018-119)
      • xii) No person shall place or permit to be placed an election sign or registered third party sign in a park. (amended by by-law 2018-119)
      • xiii) No person shall place or permit to be placed an election sign or registered third party sign: (amended by by-law 2018-119)
        • (a) Within three (3) meters of a roadway within a road allowance;
        • (b) Between roadway and sidewalk;
        • (c) That impedes or obstruct the passage of pedestrians or vehicular traffic;
        • (d) In a median strip or roundabout;
        • (e) On a tree, or a fence, or a wall, or a gate or a utility pole located on public property or a street;
        • (f) In a roadway/shoulder that abuts a park;
        • (g) Within thirty (30) meters of another election sign of the same candidate;
        • (h) On the shoulder without the consent of the owner or occupant of the abutting private property; and
        • (i) Which is illuminated.