Notice of Meeting: Official Plan Review
Township of Russell
Official Plan Review
TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Township of Russell invites all interested persons to attend a Special Meeting of Council for the purpose of discussing the revisions of the Official Plan pursuant to the requirements of Section 26(3) of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, as amended.
Monday, May 27, 2024 – 4:00 p.m.
Gaston Patenaude Hall
717 Notre-Dame Street, Embrun
An Official Plan (OP) provides direction for the growth and development of the community and where land uses (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial, parks) should be located.
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The Corporation of the Township of Russell is undertaking the legislated review of its Official Plan as required by the Planning Act. The Township of Russell current Official Plan was adopted February 5, 2018 (By-law 2018-008), and was last amended in December 2020. The Official Plan Review will update and refine the goals, objectives, policies, and schedules of the Official Plan to ensure that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, County OP conformity and reflects matters of local interest. At this meeting, staff will present a summary of the key issues, anticipated policy updates, County OP conformity requirements and introduce the draft policy directions Report. This meeting will also allow the public to share comments or ask questions about this initiative on matters for the official plan review. Comments received will be considered in finalizing the Policy Directions Report.
The purpose of the Special Meeting of Council is to provide an opportunity for the public to generally discuss the revisions that may be required as part of the Township Official Plan Review. The intent of this meeting is not to review a Draft Official Plan, which will be prepared and made available for review in the following months, but to consider what must be further reviewed and prioritized within the Township of Russell moving forward. Further information and notices of public consultation events will be provided, including for the required Open House and Statutory Public Meeting.
THE SUBJECT LANDS include all lands located within settlement areas and employment lands of the Corporation of the Township of Russell. Accordingly, no key map is provided.
ANY PERSON may attend the Special Meeting of Council and/or make written or verbal representation regarding what revisions may be required as part of a proposed update to the Township Official Plan. Written comments can be sent to the following e-mail address:
A copy of the agenda for the Special Meeting of Council, including any attachments, will be available by May 22, 2024.
INFORMATION related to the Official Plan Review process, including Draft Policy Directions Report, can be viewed on the Township website as of April 26, 2024, or at the following location during regular hours:
Town Hall
717 Notre-Dame Street, Embrun
(Monday to Friday – 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Dated at the Township of Russell this 10th day of April 2024.