Russell Township Council Defers Decision on Question Period Amendment
For immediate distribution
February 27, 2024 – Russell Township Council convened on February 26, 2024, to deliberate various matters, among them, the proposed amendment to the procedural Bylaw 2021-127, specifically focusing on Item 10.3.11 regarding the removal of the Question Period on Meeting of the Day.
Following additional information received from the administration and recognizing the importance of implementing a Public Engagement Policy, the Council chose to defer the decision on this item until such time as a policy can be implemented. This deferral provides Council with the opportunity to carefully consider the implications of the proposed amendment and the ability to explore alternative solutions that address the concerns raised by residents, while also ensuring that the Question Period remains a valuable forum for community engagement.
"Deferring the decision was always an option as mentioned in our original discussion on Feb 12th, but having the change proposed allowed us to further discuss the item," says Mayor Pierre Leroux.
Council recognizes the importance of community engagement and values the feedback received. Mayor Leroux expressed gratitude, saying, "I want to thank everyone who attended and watched online for giving us your precious time. We don’t always have to agree, but we do have to respect one another."
The Question Period on the Meeting of the Day will remain on the agenda until then. However, it's essential to note that during this period, Council will only address questions, not statements or comments, and they must pertain to an agenda item. We kindly remind residents to maintain respect towards Council and administration during these interactions. Furthermore, residents are strongly encouraged to connect directly with Council and staff at any time to initiate discussions or seek answers to their questions. Open lines of communication facilitate constructive dialogue and help ensure that community concerns are adequately addressed.
Residents interested in understanding the context of the discussions can view the original February 12th meeting on the township's YouTube page beginning at 1 hour and 9 minutes here, or watch the February 26th meeting here.
For further inquiries or updates, residents are encouraged to stay connected with Russell Township's official channels.
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