Council Meeting Highlights – February 10, 2025
Here are some highlights from the Council meeting on Februrary 10, 2025. For more information on these and on the other topics discussed at this or other meetings, please consult the meeting schedule, agendas and minutes on our website.
The video recording of the full meeting can be viewed on YouTube.
Citizen Recognition (Item 8a) |
A Citizen Recognition Award was awarded to Dave Dyer for his contributions to local sports and volunteerism. For full details, see full article. |
Recovery of Fire Services Costs - Report FIRE-2025-01 (Item 11a) |
Council received a report from the Fire Services, along with a presentation from Fire Marque, a company that provides certain cost recovery services for fire departments across Canada. This initiative will help fund a growing Fire Service and reduce the burden on taxpayers. Insurance companies will be invoiced for this service, rather than taxpayers. The fire service will return to Council at a future date with an amended user fees and charges by-law. |
Automated Speed Enforcement Letter of Intent - Report PIC-2025-09 (Item 11d) |
Council authorized Township staff to send a letter of intent to collaborate with Local Authority Services to explore the implementation of an automated speed enforcement program in the Township of Russell. The purpose of this initiative is to increase safety in our school and community safety zones. Speeding has long been a concern for many residents. As such, staff will further investigate this new tool which has been shown to improve traffic safety in other communities. Should there be any revenue generated beyond what is required to cover the program expenses, it will be used for other traffic safety initiatives and community safety without overburdening taxpayers. |
The next Council meeting will be Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:00p.m.