Development Charges Pamphlet
This pamphlet summarizes the Township of Russell’s policy with respect to development charges (DCs). By-law No. 2021-114 imposes Municipal-wide development charges for municipal services.
The information contained within is intended only as a guide. Interested parties should review the approved by-law and consult with the municipal staff to determine the charges that may apply to specific development proposals.
Pamphlet updated January 12th, 2022 to reflect rates effective November 15th, 2021.
The Council for the Township of Russell enacted a new development charges By-law 2021-114 on November 15th, 2021.
This by-law imposes a charge on all lands developed within the Township of Russell except for those exemptions as provided under the Development Charge Act, 1997 and those outlined in the By-law 2021-114. A copy of the by-law is available on the municipal website and/or from the Clerk’s Department.
Purpose of Development Charges
Development charges are collected by the Township of Russell for the purpose of financing the construction of new capital infrastructure, as a result of the growth stemming from land development in the Township of Russell.
Indexing of Development Charges
The development charges may be indexed annually without amendment to the by-law, in accordance with the most recent annual change in the Statistics Canada Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics (catalogue number 62-007).
Services Included
DCs have been imposed for the following categories of service in order to pay for the increased capital costs required as a result of increased needs for servicing arising from development:
- Library Services;
- Recreation & Parks
- Day Care
- Fire Protection
- Police Services
- By-Law Enforcement
- Development-Related Studies
- Services Related to a Highway:
- Public Works;
- Roads & Related;
- Water Services;
- Wastewater Services.
Treasurer's Statement
The Treasurer for the Township of Russell shall present before Council each year, a financial statement relating to the development charges by-law and its reserve funds. The statement must include, for each reserve fund, a description of the service, opening and closing balances, details of any credit transactions, details of any borrowing from the reserve fund that may have occurred, the amount spent on growth related projects, the portion of each project that is funded from the reserve fund and the portion funded from other sources of financing.
A copy of the treasurer’s statement can be viewed by the public at the Township’s office upon request during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, between 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Development Charge Rates
See the tables under Schedule "B" and Schedule "C" of the Development Charges By-law webpage for rates.
Timing and Calculation of Payment
Development charges shall be calculated and payable in accordance with Sections 26.1 and 26.2 of the DCA. A building permit will not be issued until all development charges have been paid unless otherwise stated in the DCA.
Payment of a development charge may be deferred subject to terms and conditions set out by Municipal policy.
Exemptions & Incentives
DCs are payable on all new residential and non-residential development unless the By-law or the Act provides an exemption.
For a complete list of exemptions and specific incentives, please review the DC by-law or contact Municipal staff.
Further Information
Please visit our website at to obtain the most current development charges information as it is subject to change.
For further information, please contact: Clerk’s Office at (613) 433-3066 extension 2310.